We have a panel of Positive Discipline Associates in our organization who will answer as many of your discipline questions as we can. While we welcome all questions, we can't guarantee that they will all be answered. Please check to see if a question similar to yours has already been answered.

If your question is chosen for an answer, we can't guarantee how soon it will be answered by our very busy volunteers. Copies of all answers will be sent to the person who asked the question, and will be posted on the website (anonymously, if requested) -- that is the contribution of the person with the question (so that people with similar challenges will also benefit). All submissions to the website become the property of Positive Discipline (i.e. PD holds the copyright and has the right to publish the material on the website and/or through other means).

Send your questions to: [email protected]


Believe in Positive Discipline but Having Trouble with Class Meetings
Bus Safety
Can You Mix a Reward System with Class Meetings
Class Meetings and Tutoring Groups
Defiance in the Classroom
Do Class Meetings Work in Kindergarten?
Encouraging Positive Discipline at School
Having Trouble with Class Meetings
Students Won't do Their Work










Learn proven, effective Positive Discipline strategies -- even if you’re on the go! Listen to our free podcast series on your iPod or MP3 player while jogging, driving to work… anytime!



ADHD and Special Needs
Apologies and Social Skills
Bedtime Hassles
Boisterous, Excited, and Lack of Skills
Child Care Crying & Challenges
Class Clown
Consequences Aren’t Working
Desperate With Fussy Baby
Disrespectful Away from Home
Doesn’t Like Homework and Unmotivated
Eating and Rewards

Fidgety, Talkative Nine Year Old
Follow-through with Teens
Getting Kids to Focus on Solutions During Class Meetings
Hard Headed or Intellegent?
Hates Diaper Changes
Homework Problems and Tips
How Early to Start Positive Discipline?
I Get So Angry
Kicks, Hits, and Bites
Loses Things
Mama's Boy
Morning Power Struggles
No Friends, Doesn't Like School

Not Always Nice
Not Getting Enough Sleep

Shy, Lacking Self Confidence
Sibling Rivalry
Strong Willed or Age Appropriate
Ten Year Old Perfectionist
Troubled Teen Boys
Unmotivated and Uninterested
Wild Kids in Department Store
Won't Poop in Toilet
Won't Sleep in Her Own Room
Won't Apologize
Won’t Listen in Class