Bossiness Question:
I have a 2 and a ½ year old son. He goes to an in-home daycare 2-3 days a
week. The daycare provider also has her children in the group. Since my son,
Jay, has been becoming more verbal, he has been bringing home behavior modeled
after his daycare provider and the way she treats her own children. For
example, when he’s frustrated with me, he’ll start counting and then yell “Go
to your room!” My husband and I have never sent him to his room, or even into
a time-out (Positive Discipline, The Early Years was one of the first
parenting books I ever read). When he says things like this (or yells) I says,
“I don’t like it when you talk to me like that”, or “we don’t talk that way to
one another in this family.” Should I be saying more? It is disturbing to me
because I never yell at him. (My husband sometimes yells.) I have been
considering looking for other daycare because of some of the things I don’t
like about the place, (but there are plenty of good things too) and he has
been there for a year, so he is very comfortable there and I don’t want too
many changes in his life. (and so far there have been plenty).
Other things are more baffling and I think could just be developmental. For
example, last night we were dancing and out of the blue and with some anger he
would say/yell to me, “No dancing!” and would physically try to move me over
to a chair. I tried to handle it light-heartedly with something like, “But, I
feel like dancing”. Sometimes he would let it go, but other times he would
persist in pushing me. I tried asking, “Do you want Mommy to watch you dance?”
and didn’t’ get a response. Other times, I would be sitting down and he would
come pull me up to dance with him. I have no idea if I should accommodate him,
object to the way he’s talking to me (or how to do that in situations like
these), or resist him by stating what I want to be doing (dancing or sitting
and watching). Simply put: I don’t know how to handle his bossiness.
I have learned everything I know about parenting from books! But I can’t find
(or remember) anything about bossiness.
Thanks for your time and the service you provide to parents (and therefore
children too).
Kathy |