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Positive Discipline Association


Promoting and encouraging the development of life skills and respectful relationships

 in families, schools, businesses and community systems.


Many people find that Positive Discipline changes their lives -- in homes and in classrooms. Has it changed yours? Do you ever say, "I wish everyone knew about Positive Discipline?"


The Positive Discipline Association, a non-profit organization, is devoted to creating more respect in the world by starting in homes and schools. We do this through:

  • Parent education workshops and classes
  • Teacher education workshops and classes
  • Providing scholarships
  • An informative website with responses to parenting and classroom questions
  • Research on the effectiveness of the Positive Discipline approach in homes and classrooms.

Go to for a summary and quotes


If you would like to help promote these goals, your donation would be very helpful.  Donations are tax deductible.









Learn proven, effective Positive Discipline strategies -- even if you’re on the go! Listen to our free podcast series on your iPod or MP3 player while jogging, driving to work… anytime!



You may select from the following three options:

  • Send a check payable to Positive Discipline Association to the following address:
    Ms. Kay Rogers
    Positive Discipline Association Administrator
    2730 Rothwood Drive
    NC  28211
  • Call the association at 1-866-POS-DISC (1-866-767-3472) to give credit card information for billing; or,
  • Check one and complete the information below:

___ I would like to make a monthly contribution of  ___$10   ___$20  ___$30  ___ $50 ___ Other $ _____


Beginning on the following month/year  ___/___ and continuing for one year.


___ I would like to make a one-time contribution of $ _______________ 



Credit Card # ________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________


Check one:  ___ Visa  ___ Master Card                   Current Date: _______________


Name as it appears on card:  _______________________________________ 


Your signature:_______________________________________________




Thank you!
You will receive a receipt for your tax records.
Please visit our website often to learn more about Positive Discipline!