Positive Discipline Association

Promoting and encouraging the development of life skills and respectful relationships

in families, schools, businesses and community systems.

Many people find that Positive Discipline changes their lives -- in homes and in classrooms. Has it changed yours? Do you ever say, "I wish everyone knew about Positive Discipline?"

The Positive Discipline Association, a non-profit organization, is devoted to creating more respect in the world by starting in homes and schools. We do this through:

If you would like to help promote these goals, your donation would be very helpful.  Donations are tax deductible.

You/> may select from the following three options:

Check one and complete the information below:

___ I would like to make a monthly contribution of  ___$10   ___$20  ___$30  ___ $50 ___ Other $ _____

Beginning on the following month/year  ___/___ and continuing for one year.

___ I would like to make a one-time contribution of $ _______________ 

Credit Card # ________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________

Check one:  ___ Visa  ___ Master Card                   Current Date: _______________

Name as it appears on card:  _______________________________________ 

You/>r signature:_______________________________________________

Thank you!
You/> will receive a receipt for your tax records.
Please visit our website often to learn more about Positive Discipline!