Positive Discipline
in the Classroom
A Two-Day Workshop

Positive Discipline in the Classroom (developed by Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott) empowers teachers with skills to prepare students for successful living. Participants will learn how students develop competencies, skills, and personal qualities through the class meeting
process and other Positive Discipline methods.

• Understand that the development of life-skills is as important as academics to help students be successful in work, in the
community, and in relationships.
• Want a program that significantly reduces discipline problems by teaching self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation, and
problem-solving skills.
• Know that nonpunitive methods work best for long-range positive results with students—and who want a large toolbox
of nonpunitive methods.
• Want classrooms where students practice mutual respect.

Three Criteria for Discipline that Empowers:
1. Respectful
2. Effective Long-Term
3. Provides opportunities for the development of social and life skills

Two-day workshop fee: $330.00
Early Bird fee: $295 (paid 30 days in advance)

Each participant receives the products shown below (a $97 value).


• How to implement the three criteria for discipline that empowers
• How to provide the three basic needs of students to avoid violence and promote success
• Understanding the motivation for misbehavior and how to encourage change
• The Eight Building Blocks for Effective Class Meetings
• Experiential activities that go beyond intellectual learning to reach the heart for real change


All teachers—from those just beginning to those with many years of experience—will find the tools of Positive Discipline easy to use. The concepts will not only improve classroom behavior but will also have a dramatic effect on learning. Finally, an approach to discipline that really answers why we need to change.

—Phillip Harris, Ed.D.,
director for the Center for
Professional Development and Services,
Phi Delta Kappa International

Since our school adopted the Positive Discipline philosophy two years ago, we’ve noticed an incredible difference. Behavior problems are disappearing, children are solving their own problems, and teachers
have more time to teach. This program is a must in our quest to raise a future generation of confident, responsible, and respectful kids.

—Kris Richards,
M.S., School Counselor, Lakewood, WA









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