Mike Brock

Biographical Highlights

Mike Brock, M.A., L.P.C., is a Dallas-area Licensed Professional Counselor, former teacher and school principal, and Positive Discipline Lead Trainer who speaks to thousands of people yearly on subjects ranging from parenting and teaching to spirituality and personal growth. Mike is the author or coauthor of Victoria’s Mountain: A Journey of Heart, Mind, and Soul, School-Smart Parenting: Raising Children for Success and Happiness in School, 7 Strategies for Developing Capable Students, and Positive Discipline in the Christian Home. He has offered presentations, workshops, and seminars throughout the United States, as well as in Canada, Mexico, and Central America.


Positive Discipline in the Classroom
Getting to Know Your Personality Style and How It Affects Your Key
Relationships -- at Home and on the job.
School Smart Parenting: Raising Children for Success and Happiness in School.
School Smart Parenting Facilitators’ Training.
Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-Indulgent World.
Self-Esteem Revisited
The Almost Perfect Faculty Meeting
Opposites Attract! (And Sometimes They Crash!): Personality Style and Relationships
What Others say about Mike Brock:

"We have gotten amazing comments from the teachers who have been to your Positive Discipline seminar. You are
credited with essentially eliminating 'Principal Referrals' and allowing the teachers to handle some of the large class
sizes we have this year because the kids do their own problem solving."
- Garland, Texas

“Super! Presenter was awesome and a great speaker!” “Tear-jerking, heartfelt, genuine.” “This is a great session and I feel it should be a required session for all attendees!!!”

-Texas PTA Annual Convention, Dallas

“Excellent presentation and materials! Info was very useful and relative to our job! Presenter did a great job.”

-Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association Convention









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