Biographical Highlights
Laurie is a Positive Discipline Associate with over 20 years
of experience teaching and training adults. Laurie received
her Bachelor’s degree in Human Development and a Master’s
Degree in Education from California State University.
As a full time instructor of Child Development at Modesto
Junior College in California, Laurie has daily contact with
eager learners. She has many years of experience working with
children of all ages, teaching adults, and sharing life with
parents and teachers in many settings. In addition to her
full-time work as an instructor, she has been a preschool
teacher and director of a Parent Co-op, has worked in the
public schools in a variety of capacities, and has provided
parent education programs for many years.
Laurie has been a regular presenter at educational and child
development conferences for many years. Her most popular
topics for Early Educators are:
Discipline: the development of self-control
Where did I get a child like this?
What Makes Teachers Tick
Play: the way children learn
Behavior is language
If it’s not Positive it’s not Discipline.
Her first and favorite role is that of mother. With six grown
children (all sons), and 6+ grandchildren, Laurie has over one
hundred and fifty years of experience parenting